Eika-San 榮花山莊

築約150年の歴史を持つ登録文化財(京都を彩る建物や庭園)の古民家【榮花山莊】日本の伝統美を維持した日本家屋全体が撮影スタジオです。 室内、窓の外に見える緑豊かな美しい庭も特別な空間です。着物を着て撮影スポットを探して歩き回ったり、悪天候に左右される心配もございません。

弊社の撮影クルーはポートレートを撮り続けて数十年の経験を持つプロのカメラマンです。 また和装スタイリストもあなたの魅力を最大限に引き出す着物選びや和装小物選びをご提供致します。 プロのカメラマンと和装スタイリストがあなたのベストな瞬間を演出いたします。 また、景勝地での撮影や榮花山莊にご自身のお着物をお持ちいただき撮影することも可能です。 ご不明な点やご質問は下記までお気軽におたずねください。






Eika-Sanso, an ancient private house with a history of 150 years(Be registered in “The buildings and gardens which make Kyoto attractive list), is our photography venue. The entire traditional Japanese house is our photography venue; the interior and indoor background are unique; there is no need to run around in kimono, and there is no need to worry about the weather.

Our photography team are all international professional photographers with decades of experience. They are good at portrait photography and can capture the best charm of our customers.

Our experts in kimono dressing, has a unique vision for the choice of kimono, the matching of various belts, and the decoration of small accessories!

The best professional photographers and the most authentic photographers can provide you with the most perfect effects that will be remembered forever!

Guests are welcome to make an appointment with our professional photographers to take photos at various scenic spots, and guests are also welcome to bring their own kimonos to take photos at home!